The short story that I've read is One is One and All Alone by Nicholas Fisk. The synopsis of this story is, there was a girl named Trish who was on a spaceship heading to the Planet Trion. She was very lonely and wanted to have a friend the same age as her. She decided to clone herself after the Voice Printer taught her about cloning. The Voice Printer is her tutor and playmate. Trish named her clone is Clo. At first Trish like Clo but after she knew that Clo declared Trish's mum as her mother too, Trish decided to get rid of Clo. At the end , Clo get rid of Trish at the disposal and no one knew that Clo is Trish's clone.
So the conclusion from this story is you should think before you do something that is bad.
Now I'm going to tell you who is my favourite character is. My favourite character in this story is Voice Printer known as VP. I like it because it is Trish's best friend and companion. It is also her personal diary, teacher and playmate. The evidence is Trish learned how to spell and punctuation. Next, VP tried to cheer Trish whenever she felt lonely or sad. This is when Trish missed her mum and there was no one to talk with. Lastly, VP provided Trish with all the information that she did not know such as about cloning. The proof is where VP wanted to teach Trish and she asked VP to continue what is cloning. That's all.
Written By: Ainaa Nabihah
One of the member of Aihara